How To Know Whether The Rogowski Coil Is The Right Option
Posted on: 8 February 2018
The Rogowski coil is an essential tool for measuring alternating currents in an electrical device. There are some circumstances in which you should absolutely consider using the coil, and there are other circumstances where you should use a different option.
One of the strengths of Rogowski coils is that they are flexible. This allows the coil to be wrapped without disturbing a live circuit. You also have the flexibility of choosing between single-phase and three-phase designs. Whichever you choose is based on whether you need a consistent load.
No DC Offset Problems
Rogowski coils do not come with the DC offset problem. This problem causes an unbalanced load or can cause another problem in the power distribution system. This can cause your equipment to run hotter and may damage it.
Because of the flexibility of the coil, you must properly position the sensor. Otherwise, the accuracy of the sensor might be diminished. However, by using two rigid winding halves, you could more precisely lock the sensor in place.
While there can be accuracy problems when the sensor is not put properly in place, the Rogowski coil responds much more quickly to changes in current thanks to it's lower induction.
Batteries Required
This coil usually requires batteries because of the power that is required for the integrator circuit. As a result, the coil might not be appropriate in situations where it would be difficult to replace batteries. Generally, this sensor has a lower power consumption, though, and can reduce energy costs.
Large Currents
The Rogowski coil is able to handle large currents because it does not have an iron core that must be saturated. This is useful for welders and those who are using pulsed power.
Cost and Safety
Compared with other options, the Rogowski coil can be less expensive. You do not have to worry about opening the secondary winding. With other sensors, if you open the secondary winding, you may experience sparking as a result of excessive voltage. The sparking and flashing would cause damage.
Compared with other options, the Rogowski coil can be smaller while handling larger currents. Other applications require an increase in the number of secondary turns. However, if you are not handling large currents, size is less of a consideration. While this coil is not necessarily a panacea for all situations if you find a situation where your equipment would benefit from Rogowski coils, contact local Rogowski coil suppliers.